Author: Teddy Kosasih

tax time

Tax Time in Australia: Avoid These Common ATO Mistakes

As tax time approaches, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has highlighted three common errors that taxpayers should avoid. Here’s what you need to know to ensure a smooth and compliant tax return process. Incorrect Work-Related Expenses The ATO is focusing on taxpayers who claim incorrect work-related expenses. Last year, the rules for working-from-home deductions changed.…
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Foreign Residents selling property in Australia

As of 7 March 2024, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has reiterated the application of a 12.5% foreign residents capital gains withholding (FRCGW) on all property transactions exceeding $750,000 conducted by non-resident individuals. This entails withholding a minimum of $93,750 from the sale proceeds, unless a variation is approved. Variations Vendors are eligible to seek…
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Merry Christmas

As we gather together to celebrate the Christmas season, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude to each individual who has been an integral part of our business family. We wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas filled with warmth, blessings, and the love of family and friends

Small Business Landscape 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, the small business landscape is poised for significant growth and change. Are you ready to seize the opportunities?

Australian Taxation Office’s Warning Impact on Small Businesses

The ATO has recently issued a warning to small businesses regarding the misuse of unpaid tax and superannuation liabilities to support their cash flow

Owning a Holiday Home: Tax and Deductions

Whether you own a holiday home solely for personal use or rent it out to others, there are crucial tax considerations to keep in mind.

Tax Implications of Vacant Land: A Comprehensive Analysis

Vacant land ownership presents a unique set of considerations within the realm of taxation, both preceding and following July 1, 2019.

ATO Urges Timely Debts Settlement

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued a reminder to businesses regarding their tax debts and superannuation obligations.

Tax return deadline

As per the Australian Taxation Office data, approximately 6 million individuals are yet to submit their tax returns for the latest financial year. The deadline for filing your own tax return with the Australian Taxation Office is October 31. If you miss this deadline, you might face a late lodgement penalty of $313, and this…
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Mastering Cash Flow: Key Strategies for Small Business Success

Cash flow can be a major hurdle for small businesses. With limited resources and many aspects to manage, facing a cash crunch is easy. However, there are effective steps you can take to ensure your business has enough money to function and grow Watch Your Cash Flow Closely Managing your cash flow is vital for…
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