Author: Teddy Kosasih

Lodgement Penalty Amnesty Program

The past few years have been challenging for many small businesses with the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters having a significant impact on their businesses. With the announcement of tax penalty amnesty scheme in the May 2023-2024 federal budget, the Australian Taxation Office is encouraging small businesses which have overdue income tax returns, fringe benefit…
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Main residence exemption

ITAA97 Subdiv 118-B A dwelling that is owned by an individual and qualifies as their main residence throughout the period they own it is generally exempt from CGT. However, if the dwelling is also used for income earning activities or it has not always been the taxpayer’s home throughout the period they owned it, then…
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Personal Service Income

The Personal Service Income (PSI) rules are a set of ATO provisions designed to prevent persons who derive income from their personal services from “splitting” or “alienating” that income with other persons and therefore minimising the overall tax payable. If you cannot pass one of the tests within the PSI rules and do not have…
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Self-education expenses

Self-education includes courses undertaken at an educational institution (whether leading to a formal qualification or not), attendance at work-related seminars or conferences, self-paced learning and study tours (overseas or within Australia). For self-education expenses incurred before 1 July 2022, you generally can’t claim the first $250 of expenses. TR98/9 details the ATO’s views on the…
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What is an SMSF?

A self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) is a superannuation fund with no more than six members (increased from four members from 1 July 2021) that satisfies the requirements outlined in s17A SIS Act. The SMSF sector emerged on 8 October 1999 from the former ‘excluded superannuation funds’, following a government’s inquiry into the Australian financial services…
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Local Business Awards 2023

“You don’t have to be great to serve, but you have to serve to be great” Our team are very humble to be named the Winner of “Outstanding Accounting Services” in the City Suburbs Local Business Awards 2023 We couldn’t make it to the Awards’ Night because CPA Australia City Taxation Discussion Group was on…
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Easter Closure

Our office will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday. Reopen Tuesday 11 April 2023. On behalf of MaxGrowth and team, we would like to wish you a Happy and safe Easter break!

Our headquarter

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success and Together We Can Make a Difference Our new sign in the office is up. Come and visit our headquarter and maximising your growth with MaxGrowth!